A 5-Day Email Course on how to use AI to get your first 1000 Twitter followers in 60 days. Generate infinite compelling content ideas and write viral twitter threads.

Written by A 135,000+ follower Twitter Creator

This free course will teach you how to transform

your life by creating content online with AI.




If you recognize any of these feelings:

  • You feel intrigued by the thought of building an audience of 1000s of followers, but have no idea of where to start

  • You’ve seen social media gurus flexing their rapid follower growth, monthly income screenshots, and first-class flights, but can’t figure out how they managed to crack the “audience growth code”

  • You’ve tried building an audience in the past, but burned out perhaps because of a lack of results

  • You feel like you can’t compete with the output other content creators are pushing (hint: you don't have to!)

  • The idea of using AI in your daily workflow overwhelms and confuses you

  • You can’t seem to think of viral content ideas to grow your audience and business

  • You’re unfamiliar with the benefits of building an audience online

…then this free course is for you.

Get the FREE course now:

See, I’m not a guru, and I’ll never be.

I went from being a broke German DJ to building an audience of over 135,000+, making $225,000+ from my first AI course.

This is me 9 years ago:

... if THAT broke German DJ could "make it", so can you.

9 years later, I'm sharing how I use AI to build my audience:

Get the FREE course now:


Day 1: The 3 Life-Changing Benefits of Audience-Building How Building An Audience Changed My Life

Day 2: 3 Lethal Mistakes Most Audience-Builders Makeand how to avoid them)

Day 3: The Elements of a Pro Creator Profile how to turn strangers into fans

Day 4: How to Generate Infinite Content Ideas hint: Let AI do the work for you

Day 5: The Viral Thread Writer my secret ChatGPT prompt that’s generated 120M+ impressions

Day 6 Bonus Gift: 5 Revenue Streams to Start Monetizing Online

Get the FREE course now:

Still not sure whether the AI Audience Activator is for you?

You may think that building an audience online is impossible for you.

Because what do you have to say? And why should you succeed when you’ve seen so many other people fail? And what’s even the point of building an audience online to begin with?

I understand you.

12 months ago, the same thoughts bogged my head.

I’d spent $10,000+ on content creation coaching and still hadn’t grown my audience past around 500 followers (in 6 months).


I felt stuck.

But then, I realized that was making 3 BIG mistakes that had been unknowingly sabotaging my growth…

…also, my profile looked like shit.

…and I didn’t have any content ideas.

…and I didn’t know how to write viral threads.

…and most importantly, I didn’t know how I would monetize my audience at the end of it all.

12 months of hard work later...

...I have grown an audience to 135,000+ people.

I’ve created this course to help you overcome all of the fears, objections, and struggles I had back then.

Get the FREE course now:


Just look at the entire curriculum of the course

(entirely free):

Day 1: The 3 Life-Changing Benefits of Audience-Building (How Building An Audience Changed My Life)

• You increase your luck surface area

• You take advantage of the most valuable asset in the 21st century — attention.

• Why Kylie Jenner is 1000X More Successful Than Most Harvard MBA’s (hint: it’s not her booty!)

• You gain leverage, earning more while working less (and why most people are stuck with low leverage)

Day 2: 3 Lethal Mistakes Most Audience-Builders Make

(and how to avoid them)

Mistake 1: They don’t give it all away for free

How to share your best insights for free and STILL get paid for them (100% ethically)

Mistake 2: They compete in another person’s category

• How to create a competition-less market

Mistake 3: They aren’t reader-centric

The writing framework has helped me generate over 120M impressions online

Get the FREE course now:

Day 3: The Elements of a Pro Creator Profile (how to turn strangers into fans)

Why optimizing your profile page is essential for Twitter growth

• Learn about the “4C” components every professional creator profile has

• How to make profile visitors say to themselves “I need to follow this creator”

How to use the “Pro Creator Bio” ChatGPT prompt to create a world-class Twitter bio in 3 minutes:

• How to create a visual identity for your profile to attract followers

Day 4: How to Generate Infinite Content Ideas (hint: Let AI do the work for you)

• The number 1 reason why most creators quit (that you must avoid at ANY cost to succeed)

• The Infinite Content Ideator Prompt (and how to use it)

Day 5: The Viral Thread Writer (my secret ChatGPT prompt that’s generated 120M+ impressions)

• The Alarmingly Actionable Thread Writer Prompt (from my paid course!)

Day 6 Bonus Gift: 5 Revenue Streams to Start Monetizing Online

• 5 Simple Steps To Make Your First $1 Working With Clients

• 2 Ways To Make Your First $1 By Newsletter Promotions

• How To Earn Your First $1 With Affiliate Marketing In Newsletters

• Get Your First $1 From X Payouts

• 5 Proven Steps To Create And Launch Your First Digital Product